Live well today, so you won’t have to worry about tomorrow

We believe that life insurance can provide immediate gratification for you, your family, and your business. Get stronger, starting today, with the best life insurance agent in Orange County!

Your Reliable Insurance Agent

We have a broad array of plans available for you and your business. We work directly with our vendors to secure the ideal coverage for you, and we’ll be there for you throughout your claim – when you need it the most.

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Many years we’ve passed!

You bring the goal. We bring a solid, flexible solution for that goal.

Every individual, family, or business requires something unique. Even the most unique financial requirements can be met with our solutions. Today and tomorrow, we’re here to help you feel better.


Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance has a cash value component that can be utilized to pay for retirement, education, or simply to make life easier if your…

General Life Insurance

General life insurance provides financial security to your loved ones and is a cost-effective way to cover unforeseen expenses such as mortgages, child care expenses,…

Other Life Insurance

Add an extra layer of coverage to your already existing policy.

Simplified issue Life Insurance in Orange County made Easy!

No additional charges. Advice from a professional. Analytical precision. Complete security. Enrollment Made Simple. Support that is tailored to you.

Why choose Life Insurance Rookie - a Universal Life Insurance Company in Orange County?

Starfish can re-grow their arms. In fact, a single arm can regenerate a whole body. Google’s founders were willing to sell & consult.

Acceptance is guaranteed

There are no medical or health inquiries asked, meaning your enrollment is guaranteed.

Hospital stays

While the insured is in an American hospital for a covered accident, receive up to $200 each day for up to 365 days, for a total of up to $73,000.
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Dedicated to saving

We'll help you save money on your health and life insurance with the Life Insurance Rookie Savings Commitment.
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Coverage That Is Customized

Personalized coverage assessments so you can be sure your coverage is right for you.
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A lump-sum payment that is tax-free

Depending on the severity of your injury or loss, up to $150,000 in benefits can be paid directly to you in the case of a covered critical accident. Use it in whatever way you see fit.

Our Satisfied Clients

Compare quotes and get Universal Life Insurance quote in the right way.

Reliable. Personable. Fast.

At Life Insurance Rookie, we can meet all of your insurance requirements. We’re here to help you decide what’s best for you and your family.

Get an insurance quote from a whole life insurance company in under 60 seconds! Switch to Life Insurance Rookie’s guaranteed life insurance for an insurance policy from a brand you can trust.


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    We develop the relationships that underpin the next phase in your organisation’s growth. We do this by discerning the people and that platforms where interests converge.

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