General Life Insurance

Living Benefits

The primary purpose of life insurance is to give financial support to your loved ones when you die away. That is, however, only half of the story.


While you are still alive, some policies allow you to take advantage of the cash value or accelerate the death benefit. These options are commonly referred to as “living benefits,” and they may be the best-kept secret in the world of life insurance.


Riders, which are optional policy add-ons, are typically used to provide living benefits. The most common living benefit riders are as follows:

Terminal Illness Rider

Your insurance policy should generally cover this. You must have a terminal diagnosis with a life expectancy of 6-24 months to be eligible.

Chronic Illness Rider

You can receive compensation if you have a chronic illness that prohibits you from doing at least two of the six Activities of Daily Living (ADL): eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, and continence.

Critical Illness Rider

It covers qualifying severe illnesses with high medical costs and a short life expectancy, including ALS, heart attack, kidney failure, life-threatening cancer, and stroke.

Term insurance for seniors has fixed premiums for a set number of years – usually 10, 20, or 30. In comparison to comparable permanent coverage, the initial level premium is usually lower. And the proceeds may be able to assist your family financially if anything unforeseen occurs when they are still facing huge bills. With term insurance in Orange County, you’ll have:

Term Insurance

Tax-free death benefit

Short-term life insurance gives your family stability at a time when they are most in need.

Adjustable policy length

You have the option of choosing a term length of 10 to 40 years.

Make the switch to permanent insurance

Switch to longer-term protection in the future, as permitted by policy criteria.

Simplified Issue Life Insurance

The most straightforward solutions are always the greatest choices. As a result, Hippo Life Plans’ Simplified Issue Life Insurance in Orange County exists. Customers looking for a solid, low-cost Whole Life Insurance policy without a medical exam should consider Simplified Issue Life Insurance. Applicants only have to answer a few questions, choose between $5,000 and $25,000 in coverage, and leave the rest to Hippo Life Plans to determine acceptance.

Easy application process

You may apply from the comfort of your own home or at your agent's office, and there are only about a dozen questions to answer. If they are authorized, most applicants will receive their policy within ten working days.

No Medical Tests Required

Other life insurance policies require a physical examination, but Life Insurance Rookie's Simplified Issue policy does not. Instead, to establish eligibility, Life Insurance Rookie asks a few health-related questions.

Numerous coverage options

Life Insurance Rookie offers simplified issue life insurance with 10-, 15-, 20-, and 30-year terms. Your premium is guaranteed to stay the same for the term you choose.

Guaranteed issue life insurance is ideal for seniors aged 50 to 80 or for people who cannot qualify for traditional life insurance due to a significant medical condition or terminal illness. Unlike traditional life insurance, guaranteed issue life insurance does not require a medical exam or health questions. It can assist your loved ones in paying for end-of-life expenses like funerals and medical bills.

Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance

Assistance in the payment of final expenses

Life Insurance Rookie assists in paying for final expenses like medical bills, funeral costs, and outstanding debt.

Your approval is assured

This policy will guarantee your life insurance acceptance if you are between the ages of 50 and 80, regardless of your health history. There are no long health surveys or medical exams to complete.

Your policy has a cash value

A percentage of each premium you pay as a whole life insurance policy is placed aside as your policy's cash value. Cash value accumulates over time and can be accessed as needed.

Group Universal Life Insurance

Employees and their families can benefit from life insurance since it protects them financially and prepares them for the future. Group universal life insurance in Orange County is one of the most essential and beneficial benefits you can provide your employees.


Group coverage is cost-effective and convenient.


Provides additional financial security for employees and their families to benefit from


Secure the future of your employees at a price you can afford.

What risks does your policy cover?

It depends where you live, but standard homeowners insurance policies will typically help pay to repair damage caused by certain risks, or perils, including:
Fire and smoke
Windstorm or hail
Falling objects
Frozen plumbing
Water damage from plumbing, water heater, heating or cooling system or appliance.
Home Vehicles Life Business
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It would be best if you chose a beneficiary – the person (or individuals) who will receive the money from your life insurance policy when you die – to ensure that your benefits are delivered to those you intend.
The life insurance proceeds will be disbursed according to the conditions of the insurance contract if there is no properly specified beneficiary. Proceeds may be distributed to family members such as your spouse, children, parents, siblings, or your estate.
Obtaining life insurance via your employer might be a simple method to protect your family. Consider enrolling in a group plan if your business offers one. Benefits may include:

Competitive group rates
Guaranteed issue insurance means you can acquire a certain amount of coverage without answering health questions or undergoing a physical examination.
Payroll deductions that are easy to use
Enrollment and instructional materials are easily accessible, allowing you to make informed decisions about the type and amount of insurance suitable for you.
Knowing that your company has reviewed and selected the plan gives you peace of mind.

All you have to do is sign up, and enrollment may be automatic in some cases.
Everyone is different; however, it might be a lot more than you now have. As your life changes, your insurance needs vary as well. For example, getting married, starting a family, or purchasing a home may alter the type or amount of coverage you require. Many consumers are shocked to hear that their life insurance may not be sufficient to pay all of their loved one's expenditures.
It could be less costly than you think. With reasonable group rates and a wide selection of coverage options to choose from, Life Insurance Rookie's group life insurance plans offer an affordable method for you to provide for your family. In the enrollment documents, you can find the exact rates.
A term life insurance policy, unfortunately, is only suitable for the period it covers. For example, your beneficiaries will not receive the death benefit if you buy a 10-year term life insurance policy and die three months after the term finishes. If you want to keep your coverage after your term finishes, you must renew the policy.

Although finding suitable life insurance coverage becomes more difficult as you get older, certain types of life insurance are still available in your 80s.

Partner with us and get a quote instantly!

Get coverage for Living Benefits, Term, Simplified Issue, Guaranteed Issue, and Group Life Insurance related expenses for yourself and your family members offered by Life Insurance Rookie – variable life insurance in Orange County.

Head office address:

3556 Hartford Way Vlg, Mount Pleasant, SC, 29466, Australia.

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(734) 697-2907
(843) 971-1906

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