Other Life Insurance

Adjustable Life Insurance

Adjustable life insurance is a type of permanent insurance that also provides flexibility. Premiums are paid monthly or annually, with a portion of the premiums going toward the cost of insurance (such as administrative costs and death benefit coverage) and the remaining portion going toward the cash value.


The policyholder can change the amount and frequency of payments. Changes must, however, stay within the issuer's parameters.

Death benefit

The amount paid out can be increased or decreased by the policyholder. An increase in the quantity may necessitate further proof to review the policyholder's risk, while a decrease may result in lower premiums.

Cash value

The policy's cash value can be increased or decreased by increasing premium payments or withdrawing funds as a loan with interest.

Final expense insurance is a type of permanent life insurance created to cover the costs of a funeral. The death benefit is typically used to cover final medical fees and other end-of-life expenses such as burial or cremation and things such as caskets and urns.

Final Expense Insurance

No medical exam required

Some types of life insurance need a medical check, while final expense insurance does not. Unless you have a serious pre-existing medical condition, you should be able to get coverage.

Payment flexibility

You can choose to pay your premium on a monthly or annual basis.

Quick approvals

The application process is easy, and coverage can be provided in a few days, often even the same day as your application is submitted. Your coverage will begin as soon as you've been accepted.

Accidental Death Life Insurance

In the event of your untimely death, your family and loved ones may require immediate financial assistance. Accidental death insurance in Orange County is only intended to pay out if you die as a result of a covered accident, as defined by the policy terms. There is no need for a medical exam because coverage is a guaranteed issue.

Coverage in high risk occupation

Accidental insurance in Orange County covers workers who do not qualify for life insurance but work in high-risk occupations.

Cash benefits

It will cover the costs of initial care, injuries, treatments, facility care, and follow-up care in the event of an unforeseen injury.

Protect your loved ones

You can protect your family without having to go through a medical test with accidental death and dismemberment insurance.

Gap insurance, also known as guaranteed auto protection or guaranteed asset protection, is extra car insurance that protects you if your vehicle is totaled or stolen. Between your vehicle and how much you owe, it will substitute the actual cash value.
It also helps in the repayment of your auto loan if you owe more than the market worth of your vehicle.

Gap Insurance

Adaptable terms

New cars are eligible for up to 7 years of coverage.

Bridge the gap

If you know you won't be able to cover the difference between the value of your vehicle and the outstanding amount on your auto loan out of pocket, gap insurance will protect you.

Reduced coverage

After an accident, you may be eligible for a cash settlement to cover a portion of your vehicle's lost value.

What risks does your policy cover?

It depends where you live, but standard homeowners insurance policies will typically help pay to repair damage caused by certain risks, or perils, including:
Fire and smoke
Windstorm or hail
Falling objects
Frozen plumbing
Water damage from plumbing, water heater, heating or cooling system or appliance.
Home Vehicles Life Business
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Life insurance may be used to cover funeral costs. Because life insurance proceeds are paid to a beneficiary, it is up to them to decide how to spend the money. If the deceased's other debts are substantial, and the beneficiary needs to use the death benefit to satisfy all or most of them, they may opt to pay for the funeral in another way.
Unless your health is in severe danger and you don't want your heirs responsible for your funeral expenses, probably not.
We want to make sure you're safe. That's why we provide you with various options to choose from to keep your coverage while lowering your costs. Give us a call if you'd like to learn more.
The average funeral in the United States costs between $7,000 and $10,000. This includes funeral home services, burial or cremation, a casket or urn, and the purchase and installation of a cemetery headstone. You may require more or less to carry out your final wishes, but in most circumstances, a $10,000 burial insurance policy should suffice.
The federal government compensates survivors of people who got subsidies to help with funeral expenses of $255, but only if they meet certain conditions.
Burial insurance is comparable to whole life insurance, but it offers a reduced death benefit and does not require the same level of health assessment.

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